28 mar 2009


(1st. of all, I don´t want to make this blog a journal or something, so If you want to read it, then Do it, but if not, don´t do it)
Any regrets in the comments please.

Well, I don´t know why but its easier to say some things in the language that not the natal one, so, this is by far, the post with the level of veracy that I think I will post, (at last at this moment).

Well the term "culas" comes from the "bad spelling of the words" that commonly happens to a person when its talking to a group, examples of this could be referred as genre changes or when the word simply doesn´t comes out easily and when it doesn´t matches de sentence correcly.

So, I will be using this single term to describe what its suppossed to mean,... yes,... I know you know,... "girls".

A few days ago I were talking to a coleague when coming to our job by car, so while we were talking, suddenly the conversation stopped when his cel phone rang, he didn´t answer, then another call, this one was answered, then a couple of messages, and after that (I almost got asleep in the car, just calculate the time), then this person who I don´t have to blame for anything, started talking again, with me of course (I was the only one in the car besides him), then he told me that the people which he was talking, the missed call, and the messages, were all of different girls he had known while being in this job we have (I´m not in the wrong career I said at the start).

After that I started to think about it but more deeply than before I tought about, and I went off in a conclution that generalizes every girl at this time from 16 to 25 years old, "That they all doesn´t knows what they want", yes thats a nonsense some say, but its true.

well this week, had more than I tought whith this topic, so after a day all my work group had a recess day (strangely for a lot of people but indeed something that MUST BE, because of the so stressing job) then we ran off to the town park, so as a lot of people would know what I´m talking about we have a girl representing this Brigade, so we found her and all of her school friends too drunk than for even getting up correctly (guess what they are 15-18 years old!!!!) and this was not all, there was this rumor on town that those girls are completely out of her mind (guess what again!!!???) when they got that drunk comes this group of men (teenagers, sometimes), whith the meaniest purposses and they DO f¨*k these girls!!!!. That´s something that I don´t mean and doesn´t fit on my mind, I don´t want to destroy anyones image or to hurt anyone´s feelings neither permit this form of behaving of such young girls.

For the ones who doesn´t know me, I´m 23 (I´m not such an old men you must know).

Well continuing this story (a really sad one for me to say), then I ran into others people history´s of people I just met a few months earlier, well, this people, as the way I met them, I really doubted from those histories, but then it happened, that I just simply confirmed that info with nothing more than a couple of messages with these people (femmes of course, 16 and 23 years old, respectively) and what was my surprise (guess what!!!!?)


But guess what!!!? That wasn´t all fellas, this just were starting, so then I found that girls that I really had a crush on them at that time, while I was putting all my efforts on doing things all right, then came another "friend, if friends do that", and he just had a mid-talk, and then he was F¨*king them, I tought it was a mere aislated fact, but GUESS WHAT!!!?? it happened twice, and again, and again, and again, (thats why I said a really sad one post for me); and then I found that it could be another "Human Standard of Behavior".

Alse the girls above, look forgiveness somewhere else, ok?


So, after this events y got into a time to think and to reflex about WTF! was going on?

So, I talked with one of my partners in here and he said this to me "fuck them man, that´s what they want, isn´t nice to feel like you´re doing something that you know it´s wrong?", a real weird answer when it comes to me, but I needed to hear the two parts to be equal on the Statement that was forming at that time. So Indeed I had another day off too and talked to a girl (well, older than me, but not by far, 26), and then she answered "I don´t know!!? One doesn´t know what is being done until it´s finished" Can you imagine what an answer were this, It leaves me with nothing to say about them (femmes).


At this time I went in a horrible stage this days, thinking about if anything I lived befor was real or just to pass the time, but I really think that´s because of my worst fault, and the most bad one indeed.

To Know too well, in fact to say "too too well" what´s good and what´s wrong, yes that´s my greatest fault indeed.

So I think this is what doesn´t let me get this Idea to be just "hangin´ around with the 1st one who comes"

Keep on thinking (that´s why in Escuela Politecnica one have to be completely occupied all the time than to be thinking shits...) , and after a lot, reuniting the facts, trying to get a conclution, I just didn´t get a valid theory (as some would say).

"Almost all of the girls are s-luts, or at least have an epoch en their life that they could be tagged like this."

So now, I don´t want to get rude with this post, and don´t blame me for saying this, that´s something I just finished on, but I really wonder WHY?

If they Do know what´s good and what´s wrong, maybe it could be true what my partner said before "fuck them man, that´s what they want, isn´t nice to feel like you´re doing something that you know it´s wrong?", but I will hardly know it, because of my worst fault "knowing too well what´s bad and wrong", at the point that knowing is worst than not knowing. (Damn good memory!!).

I finally went to understand the person who said "there comes a time when one knows too much that one doesn´t know anything"

Right Now, I´m not in the way of trying to meet someone because as I tried to say to the girl I questioned back above: "I don´t know but I think i can´t take a girl that lighly, and I´m afraid that I will put everything and then she pays me with "the ´do wrong´ pleasure syndrome", and in the end finish like other times.

I expect this to be just temporally, and not to become a solid statement on me, but I will continue wondering.... ??????????

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